Doyle Elementary PTA Jog-a-thon

March 12th, 2025

Doyle Elementary School

The Doyle PTA Jog-a-Thon is a fun event filled with school spirit that promotes a healthy lifestyle while helping raise funds for the school!

Jog-a-Thon is our only big fundraiser this year, and we are counting on it to raise the funds we need - $50,000! - to continue to provide all our programs at Doyle! We use all of the funds we raise at Jog-a-Thon to support the students and teachers of Doyle Elementary.

We depend on and greatly appreciate your generosity and participation in our Jog-a-Thon. Thanks to your contributions, the Doyle PTA can provide our children with so much: BrainPop, Classroom Grants, Grade Level Grants, Assemblies, Field Trips, California Reads, extra librarian time, PE Equipment, Recess Equipment, Teacher Welcome Back Breakfast, UTK and Kindergarten Play Dates, Teacher Appreciation Week, and more!

Our goal is to have 100% of Doyle students registered and to have all those students spread our fundraising message world-wide! Can you help us meet our goal of every student raising $100 and together raising $50,000? 

Watch Our Event Video

Doyle Elementary PTA Jog-a-thon

March 12th, 2025

Doyle Elementary School

The Doyle PTA Jog-a-Thon is a fun event filled with school spirit that promotes a healthy lifestyle while helping raise funds for the school!

Jog-a-Thon is our only big fundraiser this year, and we are counting on it to raise the funds we need - $50,000! - to continue to provide all our programs at Doyle! We use all of the funds we raise at Jog-a-Thon to support the students and teachers of Doyle Elementary.

We depend on and greatly appreciate your generosity and participation in our Jog-a-Thon. Thanks to your contributions, the Doyle PTA can provide our children with so much: BrainPop, Classroom Grants, Grade Level Grants, Assemblies, Field Trips, California Reads, extra librarian time, PE Equipment, Recess Equipment, Teacher Welcome Back Breakfast, UTK and Kindergarten Play Dates, Teacher Appreciation Week, and more!

Our goal is to have 100% of Doyle students registered and to have all those students spread our fundraising message world-wide! Can you help us meet our goal of every student raising $100 and together raising $50,000? 

Watch Our Event Video
Classroom Donations Leaderboard
Rank Classroom Name Raised
1 Team Berry $2,105.00
2 Team Aderyani/Horning $1,235.00
3 Team Yamamoto $1,215.00
4 Team Kasza $1,135.00
5 Team Langley $990.00
Donation Map
United States Donations: 0
0/50 States

Show Your Support!

SCHOOL GOAL $50,000.00
Our School Has 288 Total Donations
Donations Accepted Until March 21st, 2025
22 days left

Parent Registration Instructions

  1. Register for the fundraiser or login to your parent dashboard here
  2. On the parent dashboard, make sure your child has been successfully added to our fundraising event
  3. Share, easily send at least 10 text messages and/or E-mails, plus post on social media

T.E.A.M = Together, Everyone, Achieves, More!

Easy Scan for Registration

Donation Rewards and Incentives

Students who participate and raise funds for Doyle have the opportunity to get the following prizes: 

Emoji clip

Dolphin sticker

Mochi squishy toy or toy eraser 

Galaxy squeeze ball

Movie at lunch

Pizza and games with Principal Lopez

AND the opportunity to win *FREE* New Children's Museum family membership, YMCA family membership or camp, Villa Musica camp, G3 open gym tickets, In-N-Out burgers, and more! 

View Incentives