Register for a Fund Hub account and get a big 2024 Bulldog Bolt sticker!


A family brick will be placed with your family name, or personalization of your choice, at WB (one brick per family)!


If your classroom raises $2,000, everyone in the class gets a pair of Waverly Belmont Sunglasses


If your classroom raises your specific Fund Hub class goal (see fund hub for #), your class gets NO HOMEWORK FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!!


Top fundraising class in each grade level wins a POPCORN & MOVIE PARTY in the library!!


If all the classes in your grade level meet their Fund Hub classroom goal, the entire grade level gets a DANCE PARTY in the gym!!!


If we collectively get at least one donation from every 50 states, the whole school gets an ICE CREAM PARTY!


COLOR BLAST is BACK! If we meet our school wide goal of $110,000, students get to color blast Dr. Shumate and Ms. Cummings!!!
