Dry Creek Fun Run

September 26th, 2024

Dry Creek Elementary

Thank you for supporting your Dry Creek PTCO! We are here to help make sure that our children have an incredible journey through Dry Creek. We work to raise funds that go toward half of the TA salaries, funding grants for creeks and specials, funding other schoolwide grants, and putting on FUN events for our children, families, and community throughout the year! Your donation means so much and is vital for the day-to-day functioning of our amazing school! WE THANK YOU!

Dry Creek Fun Run

September 26th, 2024

Dry Creek Elementary

Thank you for supporting your Dry Creek PTCO! We are here to help make sure that our children have an incredible journey through Dry Creek. We work to raise funds that go toward half of the TA salaries, funding grants for creeks and specials, funding other schoolwide grants, and putting on FUN events for our children, families, and community throughout the year! Your donation means so much and is vital for the day-to-day functioning of our amazing school! WE THANK YOU!

Classroom Donations Leaderboard
Rank Classroom Name Raised
1 ZUIKER $5,642.00
2 PELLETT $2,915.00
3 TURNER $2,562.00
4 KUFELDT $2,340.00
5 FLORES $2,170.00
Donation Map
United States Donations: 0
0/50 States
Our Generous Business Sponsors

Show Your Support!

SCHOOL GOAL $31,000.00
Our School Has 473 Total Donations
Donations Accepted Until September 30th, 2024
hours minutes seconds left

Parent Registration Instructions

  1. Register for the fundraiser or login to your parent dashboard here
  2. On the parent dashboard, make sure your child has been successfully added to our fundraising event
  3. Share, easily send at least 10 text messages and/or E-mails, plus post on social media

T.E.A.M = Together, Everyone, Achieves, More!

Easy Scan for Registration

Donation Rewards and Incentives

Our incentives are classroom and school based!  We are working together to make our school the best that it can be! TEAMWORK makes the DREAM WORK!

Work our way up to an awesome DRY CREEK MOVIE DAY--the more we earn, the more movie treats we get!


At 25% of our class goal, we get popsicles!!!


Our whole school wins together---75% registration earns us a PJ Day! 

25% of school goal earns us extended recess!

50% earns us a special school visitor!

75% of goal earns us a NINJA HEADBAND!

25k earned means Mrs. Park (principal) will dye her hair the color of the winningest creek!

If we reach goal, we get a KONA ICE TRUCK at the FUN RUN!!


If our creek is the winning creek by percentage earned, we get a FUN CREATE YOUR OWN PARTY---that means---balloon, bubble, bounce castle, face paint, or video game party!  We choose! 


LET'S GO TEAM!!! We can do this together!  If we work hard, our class wins and the whole school wins!

View Incentives