Friends of Franklin Jog-a-thon

October 25th, 2024

Franklin Elementary

Franklin’s Jog-A-Thon fundraiser gives your child the opportunity to get moving for a good cause – our wonderful school! This is Franklin’s biggest school-based fundraiser of the year and your support provides critical funding for project-based STEAM learning for our students.

We encourage students to seek donations from neighbors, family members, and community members. This is a great opportunity for students to engage with their community and explain the importance of our fundraiser. As they solicit donations, they learn valuable communication and social skills, while fostering a stronger connection between our school and the community.

Friends of Franklin Jog-a-thon

October 25th, 2024

Franklin Elementary

Franklin’s Jog-A-Thon fundraiser gives your child the opportunity to get moving for a good cause – our wonderful school! This is Franklin’s biggest school-based fundraiser of the year and your support provides critical funding for project-based STEAM learning for our students.

We encourage students to seek donations from neighbors, family members, and community members. This is a great opportunity for students to engage with their community and explain the importance of our fundraiser. As they solicit donations, they learn valuable communication and social skills, while fostering a stronger connection between our school and the community.

Classroom Donations Leaderboard
Rank Classroom Name Raised
1 Team Markel
of goal raised
2 Team French
of goal raised
3 Team Paredes
of goal raised
4 Team Pina
of goal raised
5 Team Cassin
of goal raised
Thank You To Our Generous Business Sponsors

Show Your Support!

SCHOOL GOAL $40,000.00
Our School Has 708 Total Donations
Donations Accepted Until October 29th, 2024
hours minutes seconds left

Parent Registration Instructions

  1. Register for the fundraiser or login to your parent dashboard here
  2. On the parent dashboard, make sure your child has been successfully added to our fundraising event
  3. Share, easily send at least 10 text messages and/or E-mails, plus post on social media

T.E.A.M = Together, Everyone, Achieves, More!

Easy Scan for Registration

Donation Rewards and Incentives

This year we have some exciting incentives to encourage participation and school spirit! Please be sure to review our incentives page for more details about how to earn raffle tickets!

View Incentives