
September 20th, 2024

Alpine Elementary

Hello Alpine Mountain Lions and Mountain Lion Families! It's time for our annual FundRun, where we run our hearts out, hang out with friends and families and we raise funds for Alpine Elementary. The FundRun is in the evening on Friday, September 20 and we look forward to seeing everyone come celebrate with the Alpine Community. Funds will go to purchasing recess equipment (balls and goals etc.), enrichment activities for all students, a library refresh, buses for our field trips, the development of an outdoor classroom, and much more! Thank you in advance for your donation! -AES Students and the Parent Teacher Organization


September 20th, 2024

Alpine Elementary

Hello Alpine Mountain Lions and Mountain Lion Families! It's time for our annual FundRun, where we run our hearts out, hang out with friends and families and we raise funds for Alpine Elementary. The FundRun is in the evening on Friday, September 20 and we look forward to seeing everyone come celebrate with the Alpine Community. Funds will go to purchasing recess equipment (balls and goals etc.), enrichment activities for all students, a library refresh, buses for our field trips, the development of an outdoor classroom, and much more! Thank you in advance for your donation! -AES Students and the Parent Teacher Organization

Classroom Donations Leaderboard
Rank Classroom Name Raised
1 Team Lopez $3,800.00
2 Team Anderson- First Grade $3,275.00
3 Team Currie $2,981.00
4 Team Pollock $2,500.00
5 Team Bush $2,220.00
Donation Map
United States Donations: 0
0/50 States
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SCHOOL GOAL $38,000.00
Our School Has 726 Total Donations
Donations Accepted Until September 27th, 2024
hours minutes seconds left

Parent Registration Instructions

  1. Register for the fundraiser or login to your parent dashboard here
  2. On the parent dashboard, make sure your child has been successfully added to our fundraising event
  3. Share, easily send at least 10 text messages and/or E-mails, plus post on social media

T.E.A.M = Together, Everyone, Achieves, More!

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