Alpine FUNDRun Shirt


PJ Day Coupon


Extra Tech Time Coupon


Front of the line for the day or extra library book checkout coupon


Free cotton candy at the event and Free Colorado Rapids Ticket (w/purchase of adult ticket)


Choose From an Exciting Activity!


WakeOver- Enjoy pizza, movie, scooters/skateboards and see secret spaces of Alpine after hours!


Raise $25 By 8/28- Stuffed Animal Day Coupon


Raise $50 by 9/6- Hat Day Coupon


Raise $75 by 9/13- Full Size Candy Bar


Raise $150 by Event- Prime Drink


TOP RAISER- invites 2 friends to lunch with admins


Overall Top Class (based on # of students)- Pizza and a Movie


85% School Registration- Mrs. Marsolek and Mrs. Dalby race a mountain lion


School Makes GOAL- Mrs. Marsolek and Mrs. Dalby get slimed


100% Class Registration- Teacher gets to slime Mrs. Marsolek and Mrs. Dalby


Class with most $$ raised by week- Gets Donuts
